Monday 26 November 2012

Win a Gugelhupf

You've got to hand it to Chocolate Log Blog, they run some of the chocolatiest competitions around! And here's another from them, with a luxurious Gugelhupf cake to be won in time for Christmas.

What's a Gugelhupf? I wondered that for years. In fact I wondered what a "Guggalump" was, because that's what my mother misheard when she was given a slice by a friend and raved about it. I scoured recipe books to see if I could find it, but there wasn't a Guggalump in sight. (Actually it sounds like a great name for a character in a children's book. You can have that idea free!)

Eventually I bought myself a Bundt baking tin, the traditional circular shape used for Gugelhupf, and  the little recipe leaflet that came with it  made everything clear.

But you don't need to scour recipe books or buy special tins, you can read all about this delicious cake and enter a competition to win one by going to Chocolate Log Blog's competition page. The competition closes on December 8th

PS the Blogger spelling checker, always a  temperamental beast, has gone into meltdown while checking the above post!

1 comment :

  1. Thanks Jane, lovely write up. Think I might start calling it a guggalump from now on!


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