Tuesday 3 July 2012

New ITV quiz show seeks contestants

But hurry, applications close on July 8th. Here is the letter I reveived, so you can read the full details. The email address to contact them is right at the bottom.

Dear Sir/ Maddame,

I am looking for people to take part in a brand new Quiz show. Are you or anyone else you know interested? If so please read and or circulate between friends and family. See below for more information.

Don’t Blow the Inheritance is an exciting new quiz show where two person teams , made up of generations of the same family , must make it through a series of knock out general knowledge rounds to build up their Inheritance Prize Fund and make it through to the final.

 Parents (grandparents , aunts and uncles) battle to build the Inheritance Prize Fund up with thousands of pounds ready to pass on to the next generation. However , the younger generation team mate can only take the Inheritance Prize Fund home if they don’t “blow it all” at the end of the game!

It’s down to the younger generation to answer the final questions correctly so they can keep the cash rather than blowing all of mum , dad or granny’s hard work!

We are on the look out for fun and lively personalities who would like to take part in the programme. We will be holding nationwide auditions over the next few weeks. Any help you can provide us in spreading the word about our search for potential contestants would be very much appreciated. I have attached a flyer in the hope that you can circulate it amongst colleagues, friends and family who may be interested in appearing on the show and possibly winning themselves some money. In addition, if you have a bulletin board or company intranet site perhaps you could display the attached flyer there.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any more information or if indeed you would like an application form yourself.

Thank you for all your help.

Kind regards,

The Don’t Blow the Inheritance Production Team

 For more details and how to apply email us today at contributors@12yard.com

All applicants must be 18 years of age or over and be currently resident and living in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.

Applications are subject to the terms and conditions in the application form.

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