Wednesday 2 March 2011

Competition: Win the Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus

It seems like FAR too  long since I've run a competition, so I'm going to give away a copy of  the Oxford  Dictionary and Thesaurus AND a 3 month subscription to The Competition Grape Vine (as usual, if you already subscribe, your subscription will be extended by 3 months). The dictionary is worth £30 and the subscription £13.50 making a total prize value  of £43.50.

Before  we go any further, let me throw a few facts and figures at you. As you probably know, I have a monthly competition over at  to win a  6 month subscription to Grape  Vine.  In  January, there were 513 entries  but only 404 went into the draw. In February, there were 462 entries and only 360 went into the draw. A handful of the entries that don't go into the draw are duplicate entries- only one entry per person is allowed, and if somebody enters more than once  I keep their first entry and disallow  any others.  Unless, of course, you  are  the person who occasionally takes the mickey by  entering 20 times in  one day - I'm afraid you don't go into the draw at all!

All the other people who don't make it into the draw have simply got the task wrong. When you enter a  competition, however simple the task always make  sure you read it and re-read it - you just MIGHT have misread it or misunderstood it. Or it could be  a trick question. So here  is a little quiz to see how good you are at spotting, and answering, trick questions. Some of these  questions are straightforward, some are not what they seem.

Give your answers as a comment to this  post, including a way of contacting you, either an email address or a  Twitter  ID. Entries with no means of contact will NOT be counted.   Both to make sure you don't copy one another's answers and to keep your email address safe, your entries will  NOT appear on the blog.  I will  save them all  do a draw from among those with the most correct answers.  The competition will  close at 6pm on Tuesday March 8th, and  because
a) I'll be spending that evening eating pancakes and
b) it will take me a while to go through your entries.
the winner will be contacted on or before Friday March 11th. One entry per person and please spread the word through Twitter, Facebook and any comping groups  or forums you belong to. But please, PLEASE don't post the answers anywhere! That would defeat the whole point of the game.

Got all that? Right, here are  the  questions.

1. What is a riata?
     a) a bridge
     b) a lasso
     c) a yogurt dip to serve with curry
2.  A house faces north-south. If a rooster lays an egg on the roof, which way will it roll?
3. If there are 8 apples  and you take away 2, how many do you have?
4. What is the capital of Belarus?
5. How many months  of the year have 28 days?
6. How many of each kind of animal did  Moses take into the Ark?
7. Where do Chinese Gooseberries come from?
8. Every commercial aircraft carries a flight recorder. What colour is  it?
9. What food is banned from public transport in many parts of Asia?
10. A 3 month subscription to The Competition Grape Vine costs £13.50. How much does a 12 month subscription cost?

Good luck - I'm looking forward to seeing your answers.

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