Thursday 18 October 2012

Do you want to win a year's supply?

Have you ever won a year's supply of something? Or seen a year's supply offered as a prize and wondered how much it would be? Well, in theory a competition offering a year's supply of anything ought to tell us in the rules what we can expect if we win, but very often we are left guessing.

In America, claims of a year's supply have to pass a "reasonableness test" - it must be reasonable to assume a typical consumer might use that amount in a year. You can read about some of the quantities they consider reasonable here

Here are some of the year's supply prizes I have won over the years: would the same quantities have lasted YOU a year? Or  maybe longer or not so long?

A year's supply of tea. This came as 18 vouchers, each for an 80 bag pack, and lasted us a year to within the week.

A year's supply of wine. This was 144 bottles, all delivered at once, and was a huge surprise as I didn't know I had won.   With four adults in the house at the time, it didn't last the whole year but went a long way towards it. I recently saw a competition that defined a year's supply of wine as 6 bottles. Not in this house.......

A year's supply of gravy granules. 52 large jars! I think I used three of them - friends, family and neighbours were all kept supplied for the whole year.

A year's supply of chocolate bars. Two packs of 48 bars each. These  arrived while both daughters were students and home for the weekend with their boyfriends. I'm not sure the supply even lasted the whole weekend!

A year's supply of squeezy jam. Two packs of 24 sachets each. It was apricot flavour and had the strangest, most unappetising texture I have ever seen. I used one sachet to stick the marzipan to the Christmas cake, the rest was lugged off to university with the girls and never seen again.

A year's supply of shower gel. 12 bottles - nowhere near enough!

A year's supply of muesli bars. 432 bars. There was a disaster appeal asking for donations of  non-perishable food at the time so I donated them and "made do"  with the remainder of the prize ...... a trip round the world!

A year's supply of condoms. 72 condoms. I am not going to tell you whether these were enough or too many!

If you fancy trying to win a year's supply of something, I've tracked down a few current competitions for you

A year's supply of.....

Dry Shampoo closing 30 Oct
Fabric conditioner  an ongoing monthly competition
Fruit juice a quarterly competition - the next closing date is 17 Jan
Nappies an ongoing monthly competition
Ice Cream closing 24 Oct
Soup closing 23 Oct
Butter closing 28 Oct
Tequila closing 22 Oct


  1. I won my height in duracell batteries in around 2005 I think. I was sent 9 or 10 boxes of packs of 4 AA batteries with the best before date of 2007. We're just coming to the end of the last box and they still work fine. Has to be the most useful prize I've won

  2. My only year's supply prize was from Cravendale, 52 vouchers for 2L bottles. Didn't last us a year, but still a good amount.

  3. A few years ago I won all my utilities bills paid - for a whole year. I just posted my bills off to them as they arrived and they paid them for me! It was a Woolworth/Colgate Palmolive comp.Needless to say I'd like to win one like that again - especially with the way charges are rising all the time these days.

    I also once won a year's supply of paper knickers! Not really very suitable should you get caught out in a heavy shower! However, as they bore a strong resemblance to J-cloths they came in handy for all sorts of alternative uses.


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