You can like 5,000 pages on Facebook - that's a LOT of pages!
However if you are a comper, you may well have found that the current plethora of Advent competitions has brought you close to your limit. Even if you like far fewer than that, it's almost impossible to keep up with every post on every page unless you have a regular pruning session.
However it's very difficult to find and unlike pages quickly. You can go to your profile page, scroll down to the Likes on the left click on the word Likes and then when they open across the screen, select "Other Likes" from the drop down menu under "More" and then go through them one by one, unliking those that no longer appeal to you by hovering over the top right hand corner of each and selecting "unlike". But if you like thousands of pages, that will take a l-o-n-g time.
Most people prefer to use the app but it can be a little temperamental, so if it isn't working for you there is another very quick and easy way that Facebook doesn't tell us about.
Go to any page on Facebook (that's a business page, not a personal timeline) and look up at the top right hand corner. You will see a blue "create page" button.
Now if you've never wanted to create a page, you've probably never thought of clicking on it - but just try it now. Go on, head over to
the Grapevine page and give it a try! (Don't worry, it'll open in a new window so you won't lose your place)
Now on the top right of the screen you will see two buttons, "Pages I like" and "Pages I admin". Click on "Pages I like" and your likes list appears, with your most recent likes at the top. It's very easy to scroll down the list and hover over each "liked" button changing it to "unlike" - but don't get trigger happy and unlike ones where the competition is still running!
When I tried it, I couldn't get it to scroll down as far as my oldest likes, so I presume there is some kind of limit on how many is shows, but nevertheless it's a useful tool and anything that saves time at this hectic time of year has to be welcome!