Thursday 11 July 2013

A quick way to find all those Friday Twitter competitions!

There are two great hashtags to search for - #fridayfreebie and #freebiefriday - although remember to check that the results are UK based competitions, as the hashtags are popular all over the world.

I also have a list of people that run competitions most, or all, Fridays.

And if this works, you should be able to see the results of both hashtag searches and my Friday list  running in real time right here! Not only that, you can retweet and reply from here too!  Why not bookmark this post and check back every Friday?

(Note to email subscribers - you may need to click on the subject of the post and visit it on the blog to be able to see the tweets properly)

A quick tip - if you can see something on one of the lists that appears to be somebody's entry, but you can't actually see the competition tweet, try clicking on the time at the top right of the tweet. That will show you the whole conversation so if they have entered by replying  to a promoter's tweet, you have an easy way of finding that tweet.


  1. Thanks Jane, This is going to be really useful.

  2. Cool, I don't even have to go to TweetDeck any more!

  3. Great advice, thanks Jane.

    Mike Terry

  4. Fab! Thanks Jane!

  5. Thanks for sharing this again, brilliant!


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