Sunday 1 December 2013

A prize a day for 12 days

This year there seem to be more Advent competitions around than ever - and there are also lots of "Twelve Days of Christmas" competitions, starting on various dates in December. One super one is from Kelly Martin Speaks, where there are gorgeous goodies on offer every day from December 1st to 12th, with each one running for a couple of weeks so that the final competition closes on Christmas Day.

To enter, visit the blog and click on the "12 Days of Christmas" tab at the top, where you will be able to see which competitions are already open and which you can still look forward to.

Entry is by using the "Gleam" app - I think those of you who find Rafflecopter a bit daunting will find Gleam much easier, especially when it comes to the tweeting bit, which I know from running competitions myself, about 1 in 4 people get wrong when using Rafflecopter. Gleam does it all for you so you don't have to go tracking down URLs and pasting them in!

And since it's almost Christmas, here's a picture of one of my hand made Christmas cards.


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