Wednesday 1 October 2014

Find a neglected Grit Bin - it might help you to win a camera!

There's a very unusual competition being run by Gritbins. Through their Twitter page, they are giving you the chance to win a camera.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it (am I showing my age with that quote?) is to look out for a neglected grit bin. You know the kind of thing - it's been used as a rubbish skip/dog loo/ weed planter, the lid is hanging off, and there's no chance of getting a shovelful of grit from it when you need one. You can read the full details of how to enter,  along with the terms and conditions,  at but basically you need to  tweet them a photo and the location of the bin that needs some TLC, along with the hashtag #lovegritbins

The closing date is November 30th,  by which time we'll probably all need a bit of grit, and the winner will be drawn. And as well as winning a camera, the winner's chosen bin will be replaced.

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