Friday 13 April 2012

Catch the wind.......

I wonder how many of you are old enough to remember this? (I am)

Well, if you've always wanted to try and catch the wind, how about winning a storm chasing holiday? That exciting prospect is what Netweather is offering. The prize is a holiday for one, on a guided storm chasing holiday to the USA.  You need to follow them on Facebook, Twitter or Google+ to be eligible to enter, and then answer 4 questions based on videos on the site. And if they react 20,000 followers, they will give away TWO prizes.

You will need to be available at pretty short notice as the winner must go on tour 3, 4 or 5 - and there are only  4 places left on tour 3, which departs on 20 May, and one on each of the others, departing 31 May and 13 June.

And you'll need to be quick with your entry too as the competition closes on April 14th! I'd love to hear about it if one of you wins this amazing holiday.

1 comment :

  1. OK! I admit it - I'm old enough to remember Donovan and I always thought "Catch the Wind" was a lovely song. I believe he is still performing somewhere in the world1 This prize is really unique and will be a very memorable experience for the winner.


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