Saturday 3 July 2010

The latest competitions to hit the High Street

Grape Vine readers should have received their July issue by now (If you are not a reader, head over to to see how to subscribe and, if you've not had one before, request a free sample copy). So yesterday I went to Basingstoke to look for new competitions to put in the July update and the August issue.

As well as plenty material for forthcoming issues, I found several competitions that close too soon for either, so here is news of them.

The first competition is one I found when theperson in front of me in the queue in W H Smith bought a gift card and was given a leaflet, which they threw on the floor unread. being a public spirited soul (and spotting the word WIN on it) I picked it up....

Buy any iTunes Gift Card from W H Smith to enter their competition to win tickets for the iTunes festival. There are 25 pairs of tickets for each concert to be won, and each draw closes 7 days before the concert. The final concert is on 31 July so your last chance to enter is 24 July, but the concerts have already started so the sooner you enter the more choice of dates you will have. Enter by giving your details and the reference number from your gift card at

Next stop was the Triumph lingerie store, where there were cards attached to the swimear hangers for a draw to win a spray tanning session for the winner and 5 friends, with 10 runners up of lingerie sets. The card is required for entry to the draw and the competition closes on 18 July. This may also be on Triumph swimwear in department stores - the dedicated lingerie stores are few and far between.

The day's final stop was at The Entertainer toy shop, where there are entry forms for a colouring competition open to children who were aged 14 and under on 01 July. The task is to create your own "Ultimate Spy Scene" based around a central character already provided on the page, and the top prize is the Club Penguin game for Nintendo DS, with 56 unspecified runners-up prizes. You can find your nearest branch of The Entertainer here. Forms must be handed in to a branch by 21 July.

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