Monday 24 September 2012

Win an electronic cigarette starter kit

Ecigclick are giving you the chance to win an electronic cigarette starter kit worth £55.  To enter, pop over to their site and enter here
Entrants must be in the UK and aged over 18, and the competition closes on October 1st.

Now hang on, I can hear you saying, what's all this about? Aren't e-cigarettes those things that alternate with the "You've been mis-sold PPI" emails and the ones asking me to help move money out of Nigeria?

Well, you could certainly be forgiven for thinking that, but actually when supplied by a legitimate business such as Ecigclick, they are a very helpful alternative to smoking, ideal for a smoker who is trying to cut down or who needs something to "smoke" when around family members who dislike their smoking. In fact my own mother has just started to use one as she is trying to recover from illness while still not feeling ready to withdraw from the nicotine that she has been addicted to for the last 70 years.

You can see a short video of Dr Hilary Jones talking about them here  and read a personal report about using them from Kay on Brink of Bedlam.  


  1. Wow! I would like to win it for my dad. Thanks for post.

  2. In fact my own mother has just started to use one as she is trying to recover from illness while ECig Liquids still not feeling ready to withdraw from the nicotine that she has been addicted to for the last 70 years.


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