Friday 15 July 2011

What is Grape Vine?

The Grape Vine blog was originally set up to help me to keep in touch with subscribers in between issues, but it has developed into a much bigger  comping resource than I ever imagined it would, and is regularly read by hundreds of you who may not even know what Grape Vine is – so here is a little introduction to the magazine I produce as my “day job”.

Set up by John Lock, about 18 years ago, and passed on to me when he retired 6 years ago, The Competition Grape Vine is a monthly magazine for compers of all ages and amounts of experience. Originally devoted to postal comping only, it now covers competitions of all kinds, online, postal, text, phone – the only provisos being that information about them was originally sourced offline in some way, and that the competitions in them do not come from paid-for news-stand magazines, although where a store charges  for its own in-store magazine I do include it. There are some wonderful websites and forums that cover online only competitions, and some excellent magazines that list hundreds  of competitions from news-stand magazines, but Grape Vine works hard to bring readers something a bit different.

In every issue, you will read a list of big wins that readers have had in  the previous month – and if that wasn’t testament enough to our success, lists of winners  of less-big prizes are frequently made up almost exclusively of Grape Vine readers. And no wonder – I go out of my way to source hard-to-find and potentially low entry competitions, and with only a few hundred subscribers, many of the competitions I feature give you an outstanding chance of winning.

Why not give Grape Vine a try? Subscribers get a printed monthly magazine, an email update part way through the month crammed with last-minute competitions,  the chance to swap entry forms, advice on answers and entry codes (when it is possible to enter without proof of purchase), and even a winners-list checking service for if you see a tiebreaker that you think is yours but haven’t received a prize. And if you have any queries about a prize that goes missing or isn’t as described, I keep the details of every competition until a year after the closing date so I can help you to refer back to what you SHOULD have won. Any sneaky rules that might catch you out are highlighted, and I can help subscribers out with direct links to online competitions that appear to have vanished into thin air. In fact Grape Vine is more than just a magazine – it is a complete comping service and many readers tell me it is more like belonging to a club than simply reading a magazine.

 A 3 month subscription costs just £13.50, 6 months £25 and 12 months £45. Just one small win can cover the cost! And if you have never had a copy before, you can request a free sample simply by emailing your name and address to  - go on! You’ve got nothing to lose – and  possibly a lot to win!!!

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