Monday 3 June 2013

Who won the Winn Sommor limerick competition?

Last month I ran two competitions, each with a prize of a year's membership to the Winnin Post club. One was in the May issue of Grape Vine magazine and the other here on the blog.

Creative competitions always have fewer entries than draws, and this was reflected emphatically in the number of entries. The competition on the blog had only 26 entries while that in the magazine had just 13! Compare that to the Cheeky Shoes competition, which also ran during May and had over 1,000 entries.

For the subscriber-only competition, I gave a lead-in line, "I long to be first past the post" and the winner, chosen by a panel of experienced compers, is Jane Chand whose limerick was

I long to be first past the post
In Grapevine I'm always engrossed
So at the prize dinner -
Maybe I'll be the winner -
Who is raising her glass for the toast.

I gave rather more scope here on the blog, asking you to write any limerick as long as it had something to do with comping. This time the panel chose the entry from Stephy Buckridan - if the scansion puzzles you, try reading it out loud and you'll see that it needs to start with the first syllables run together, a technique often used in limericks.

A comper's thoughts were clouded by fog
So comping was becoming a slog
Then she had an idea
That was perfectly clear
She'd better start reading Jane's blog

Jane and Stephy have each won a year's membership of the Winnin Post club.

I'd also like to say a special thank you to Chris Hunt, who supplemented her entry with an extra limerick that isn't fit to publish here but made me laugh out loud!


  1. Well done to the winners. I was definitely outclassed but glad you liked the 'alternative' limerick.

  2. Congratulations to the winner :-) My efforts were really a long way short of the mark, but hey ho, I had a go!


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