Thursday 3 February 2011

Something fishy in the comping world?

Over the past few days, some of the compers on Twitter have drifted right off the subject of comping and been talking about strange ways of cooking. In particular, the idea that it is possible to cook a fish in a dishwasher.

Kay, over at Brink of Bedlam  has decided to give this a go, and  to make it more of a challenge, has decided to look for sponsors  and raise some funds for the RNLI, who  save so many lives each year.
The salmon in the photo were spotted on my prize trip to Canada last year - so this post DOES have  a comping theme after all!

Do, please have a look at Kay's blog, where she will tell you all about her plans and give you a  few laughs along the way. And please, PLEASE if you can spare a few pounds, sponsor her on her Just Giving page  Lots  of compers  like to give something to charity from time to time as a  way of saying thank you for their wins  - or maybe you  could make a donation to see if  the concept of "Comping Karma" works for YOU!

And as an added  incentive, I've promised Kay that if she cooks her fish, I will blog about my extensive  recipe book collection, with books ranging from the historic to the hysterical and the exotic to the erotic!

1 comment :

  1. That's really nice of you to feature Kay and her crazy stunt!!

    Hope she does it because I can't wait to hear about your erotic cookery books! xx


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